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About myCOVIDteam
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What is myCOVIDteam?

myCOVIDteam is a free social network that makes it easy for you to:

  • Access trustworthy & medically reviewed information about living with COVID/long COVID
  • Gain practical advice and insights on managing life with COVID/long COVID
  • Get the emotional support you need from others like you

With so little known about the symptoms of long COVID, it’s not uncommon to feel alone and uncertain of where to find the best information and people that can help you. We believe in making it easy to connect with people just like you, who can share their experiences, and help you discover the best information, support, and people around to help you. myCOVIDteam is the only social network where you have access to trustworthy information, can make real friendships, and share tips and advice in a judgment-free place.

Below are the offering most popular with our members:

  • Resources is where you can find all kinds of medically reviewed articles and information related to COVID/long COVID.
  • Q & A section enables you to search previously asked questions and answers, and gives you the ability to ask your own question that will be answered by others on myCOVIDteam.
  • Activity page is where members like you post updates – including images, stories, thoughts and suggestions. It's where daily triumphs and trials are shared and supported.
  • Find People Like You based on location, your diagnosis, and age. You can browse everyone's story and updates, which helps provide insight as you share with others.

Who are we? Who sees your information?

We are an independent, venture-capital backed startup (called MyHealthTeams) based in San Francisco, California USA, working hard on a mission we love. All of the features on the site are designed with one goal in mind; to connect you with others who have been in your shoes. Our dream is for newly diagnosed patients to be prescribed one of our social networks because being engaged in one of them will actually improve health outcomes. Today with millions of members, millions of conversations, and a presence in eight countries, MyHealthTeams has become the fastest growing and most engaging set of social networks in healthcare.

myCOVIDteam should not only provide you emotional support through the community, but also be a resource for practical tips and personal experiences. Information shared on the site can be seen by everyone who signs up for an account. You can share as much or as little as you like.

On occasion, we will partner with a pharmaceutical company or other organization such as a university if we believe it will benefit our members. We do not allow those partners on the social network, and any information that we share with them is completely de-identified. Please know that anytime we do a partnership we will always let you know and we will be completely transparent about it. When we conduct research projects for myCOVIDteam we will always be transparent if it is sponsored and we will confirm that you want to participate prior to your starting that survey. We may share trends and insights with partners based on de-identified content and quotes from the social network to make sure real patients have a voice in how treatments for this condition could be shaped. (This will in no way include any personal information.) We may partner, for example, with a pharmaceutical company developing therapies for a condition and share de-identified or aggregated data from myCOVIDteam that does not identify any of our users. We will always respect and protect your privacy. We take this very seriously. Most importantly, we will continue to look for ways to empower people on myCOVIDteam and on the other social networks we've launched. You can check out a complete listing of all our sites on

If you ever have any concerns or questions, we can always be reached at

(You can always read our privacy policy here for more detail on your information: