Didn't Take COVID Shot Last Year, Have COPD , Do I Need To Take The Vaccine For This New Strain
Barbara, my doctor told me to get the shot., to which I said why? I already have all the side effects. So he answered “so make sure you don’t get sick with Covid!!!!”
Has Anybody Been On Biologics Humira???? And How Has It Helped You?
How To Get Back Taste After RSV
The taste for me is more cognitive in the summer months in South Africa. What helped me is chilli foods that enhances flavor
Does Anybody Know Of A RA Support Group In Coronationville Or Nearby Surrounding Area Please?doloris
Does Anybody Else Go Through These Days Of Depression?
Hi Howard I like the fact you say CURVE BALLS almost like saying a BOOMARANG, only differnce it comes back and surprises you with something new. At least if was a fruit we could make Lemoncelli… read more
Hi, Does Anyone Know Of A Physician Or Cardiologist That Performs EndoPAT Tests In Gauteng?
I'd like to see if my endothelial function has improved. I've been diagnosed with Long Covid and Microclots, and an EndoPat test may show the status of my endothelial function.
Has Anybody Else Had This Problem With Diarhea Lately? Mine Has Been Four Weeks Now And Having An Autoimune Problem Does Not Help.
How Do Beverages With Caffeine Affect Your COVID-19?
Didn't affect me
Looking For Anybody That Has Been Dealing With Long Term Symptoms, What Have Been Experiencing
Hi. I have had covid since 2019. I have diabetes as well as fibromyalgia. All my symptoms have got worse. Take one day at a time. Take care.
It Is Now 3 Years Since I've Been Diagnosed With COVID. I Have Lung Damage Because Of It. Pulmonologist Calls It COVID Fibrosis.
I see the Pulmonologist 3 times a year and take Cortisone tablets daily. My oxygen level sits around 95%. I have been experiencing lower oxygen levels in the evening and in the morning when I wake up. My Pulmonologist has suggested lung replacement, but said that it is not very successful. Has anyone else experienced what I have and if so, do you have any suggestions?
I also found Sereflo works for me Doloris🙌🏻