What Advice Do You Have For Others About Managing Fatigue?
Since I new to being diagnosed, I can only go by the patients that I have taken care of. My patients who have recovered the best ate only healthy foods. Anything that was not going to be used by their body to benefit it was not consumed. Low sugar, low bad carbs quality cuts of meat with no skin ie chicken and no white foods bread potatoes rice.
They ate every 3 hours and it was awesome watching them heal. The diet was an anti inflammatory diet and they did well.
Examples of a days meals were as follows:
2 scrambled, boiled poached eggs
1 cup of mixed berries
Hot or cold tea sweetened with local honey or swerve or monk fruit
.1 piece of string cheese
1/2 apple
Spinach salad with assorted veggies and 3 -4 ounces grilled chicken
1 T of no added sugar peanut butter
Grilled salmon
Green beans with pearl onions
Premier shake low carbs and sugar
During the day you need to drink 6-8 19.9 oz bottles of water unless you are on fluid restrictions.
Frequent naps! You are healings
Walk inside of you home or outside 3-4 times per day as tolerated. Start slow.
Take : zinc vitamin b6 vitamin C
Melatonin at bedtime. Magnesium queritin as directed
This seems to be the best course of treatment for all I have observed.
I have been taking slow mag effervescent, every morning amd this has helped my energy levels during the day. Exercise also helps .
ACCEPT THE FACT that you have a serious illness (this was really hard for me.) There will be no quick or magic solutions. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. I was used to having energy to do everything I wanted to do in one day. Now I tackle one task, stop and check in with myself to see what else- if anything- I can do. Take frequent breaks. Eat healthy. Don't spend any of your energy on people who are negative or too demanding of you. Put yourself first, for once.
Dear Friends, This is not on how to combat the fatigue but just something that may be a little motivational.
Rosemary and I had not been to movies for at least 6 months before lockdown in 2020. So when Top Gun 2 arrived I knew we just had to get there. What did it do? For at least two hours I totally forgot about all aches and pains. relaxed and came out quite refreshed. I had broken the cycle of not doing something different and felt quite normal again. We then went for a light meal after the movie. For me the battle is mental as well as physical and I believe that if we can get back to living a "normal" life as we had before Covid struck, then we are on a healing process.
Just rest as much as possible, I just went with the flow, and stopped when I couldn't go anymore.
Hi All, Hope You Are Keeping Well? Does Anyone Know Of A Dr In Gauteng Who Specialiazes In Long Covid? I Am Still Struggling 2 Years On.
Has Anyone Had Issues With Hair Loss After Having Covid
Yes How Long Before This Tiredness Will Go Away?? My Taste Has Never Been The Same Either.