Does Covid Or Long Covid Affect The Arteries?
Hi John490. Hope ur feeling better today. It does affect the blood gas levels in ur arteries. My levels are 76 at the moment and should be 88-94 so they have just put me on home oxygen. Maybe u could speak to ur physician and find out from him/her what they could do. Have a good day and remember to take one day at a time. Take care.
As far as I can tell it can affect everything and everyone differently 😘
I'm a Covid long hauler and I know that it took 2 years and 4 strokes before my Drs admitted to me that Covid and or the vaccines were the cause of my strokes/narrowed my arteries.
I Had Covid Again In August 2023. I Am Hearing Differing Information About When To Get The Covid Vaccine.
Post COVID Issues
Any Recommendations For A Dr In Gauteng South Africa On Long Covid Treatment